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MetaverseSociety is the first BSN operator operating outside of China

By Jamie G - Crypto expert - 01-09-2021

Reportedly, one of the founders for the blockchain-based service network (BSN) has recently agreed with MetaverseSociety to run a BSN portal in Korea. The new portal operation will be the first to run outside the country of China. BSN’s goal is to provide access to blockchain technologies at a low-cost rate, allowing access to both China and international networks.

The recent announcement was made by Red Date Technology, revealing that they signed an exclusive agreement with MetaverseSociety for the operation in Korea to go ahead. On social media platform Twitter, BSN wrote in a post that the South Korean BSN portal would open in November of this year. When the BSN portal is up and running in the country, this will make it more accessible for Korean developers to construct and design blockchain applications.

The CEO of Red Date Technology, Yifan He, has stated his reason for expanding the BSN network outside of China. Yifan stated that the company views Korea as a vital market to expand into for the growth of blockchain technology. He further explained that Korea had been a global leader in ICT, information, and communication technology for a long time, so the expansion into the country made sense.

Metaverse typically refers to various virtual world environments that are shared and accessed through the internet. Other forms of metaverse like MetaverseSociety can include the use of blockchain technology which can allow users to buy crypto assets or trade crypto in exchange for other digital assets. MetaverseSociety will be able to create a virtuous environment as a result of this successful collaboration. Using NFT-powered platforms will support this virtuous ecology and will help to bring both creators and consumers together.

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