• Temporarily Unavailable

What happens if my payment is received outside of operating hours?

With a Buy Order; if payment is received outside of operating hours, your order will most likely not be processsed until the next operating day. If this is a Card Payment order, you will obtain the locked in coin amount. If this is a Bank Transfer order, the rate will not be achived until your order is processed.

With a Sell Order, if coins are received outside of operating hours, your order will most likely not be processsed until the next operating day. Providing coins are sent in reasonable time after your order is placed, when your order is processed, you will receive the locked in valuation provided on our Sell Coins page.

With a Coin Swap order, if coins are received outside of operating hours, your order will most likely not be processsed until the next operating day. Providing coins are sent in reasonable time after your order is placed, when your order is processed, you will receive the locked in valuation provided on our Coin Swap page.

Our operating hours are 8am-8pm, 7 days a week.

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